Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mary Louise Parker On Bill O'Reilly

"Why is being a single mother destructive? Give me a break. He sounds like an idiot. Who is he again? Maybe he’s right, I don’t know. I don’t think you necessarily have to be part of a traditional nuclear family to be a good mother. A lot of children from traditional nuclear families have really unhappy childhoods, and they have dysfunctional, distant parents who don’t pay attention to them. Also, some people don’t plan on being single parents. It’s not like you’re sitting at home and thinking, ‘Wow, I’d really like to do this by myself. I’d love to wake up six times a night and change diapers and have nobody to help me. That’d be great!’ I certainly didn’t do that. I think that opinion is pretty narrow-minded. People like him - and I don’t even know who he is, so this is just a guess… they usually just say shit like that for attention. He probably comes from a nuclear family and didn’t get enough attention as a child."



This is a beautiful album cover!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hooker+Amy Winehouse=Lady Gaga

I think we can officially stop referring to Lady Gaga as a fashion icon! It is only fair we give her credit for what she truly is. "HOOKER GAGA"!!!

Jolin Tsai "HONEY TRAP"

This Isn't In English, but this is impressive


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Did I Just Say That????

I am not a big fan of Katy Perry! In fact she bothers me a great deal, but I will say her new song "E.T." has potential to be a #1 hit.

PS sounds like Kesha

KATY B "Louder"

I always feel a video should enhance the song, which this one does not! But don't let this video fool you, the song is quite brilliant!!!

Most Amazing Person Ever!!!


Well I guess Mariah is finished with her diet!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


After watching this video I think its fair to say someone needs to choke on their vomit & die!


Look Closer!!!!

Gummi Lighthouses!!! hmmmm

The Original Concept

Maybe if they had used this concept, the movie might have been more successful!

The Exorcist Part 2

I understand what it feels like to be hungry, but that bitch is demonic!!!

Dog Walks On Two Legs

Friday, August 20, 2010


I think this may just be a hit!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This is amazing news!! Chelsea Handler will be hosting the VMA's on September 12th.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fantasia Suicide To Promote Album

Allegedly Fantasia's suicide was a publicity stunt to help promote her new album & T.V. show. Well it seems like its working! Smart move girl!!!

Gaga Isn't Poison, But She Is Full Of Shit

Gaga wearing a garbage bag with her tits hanging out.
It's FASHION!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Amazing Face!

Apparently a bee flew up Janet Jackson's ass or the girl is badly constipated! I'm not sure?

Girl!!! What's Up With Your Face???


Madonna Arriving To B'Day Party

Madonna will be turning 52 on August 16th & this is what she looked like arriving to her birthday party this weekend.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Good Old Days

Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera/Justin Timberlake

Paul Mccartney/Michael Jackson

Lil' Kim/Mariah Carey

Friday, August 13, 2010


The fact that so many people are trying to prevent this Mosque from being built, just shows how intolerant people still are! I am 100% with Obama on this subject & for the record the Mosque is two blocks away from ground zero. So bigots back off & that means you Sarah Palin!!!


Here is the full episode of the series premiere of "THE BIG C".

Chelsea Makes Nicole Richie Horney

Nicole Richie is apparently a big fan of Chelsea Handler. In fact Nicole just tweeted "Needed a good laugh so I'm following Chelsea Handler & instead I just got horney." I think Nicole needs to make an appearance on Chelsea Lately!

LOLENE "Electrik Hotel" Album Cover

Even though this album has not been release. I have heard most of "Electrik Hotel" & I must say I am pretty impressed! She is as good or better then any of the successful female pop singers we have right now!!

M.I.A. "Illygirl"

This Is Interesting!

This has a quite interesting vibe!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"The Perfectionist" Track List

I have been quite impressed with Natalia Kills for years now & even though her new single "mirrors" sounds very much like a Lady Gaga song, I have good faith in her! Here is the track list to her new album.

-Break You Hard
-Love Is A Suicide
-Not In Love
-Nothing Last Forever
-If I Was God

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gaga Might Release 2 Albums in 2011

Gaga being the overexposed fame whore she is might release 2 albums next year. 

Gaga Says: “I felt like it was a revolution, like a gunshot went off, like it set us all into rotation,” Gaga said. “It was so exciting when it happened because it, for me, was a moment that indicated that it could happen in every state now…I was so happy and I went into the studio and kept writing [new music].”
She continued on to talk about how the new music would affect her forthcoming third album, that she has said in past interviews was already complete. “I know I told everybody my album was done, which is it kinda is done, but I can’t stop writing music. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might have to put out two records.”

WHAT THE F^(K???!!!

Umm what is Jennifer Lopez doing in this picture?!

Britney To Feature Gaga Or M.I.A.

Allegedly Britney's new single will feature Lady Gaga or M.I.A. Let's hope it's not Lady Gaga!


Italian Vogue has created this stunning photo shoot bringing awareness on what has happened with the Gulf oil spill.


Bill O'Reilly Vs. Jennifer Aniston

Bill O'Reilly is a narrow minded sexist a$$hole! This is a perfect example of how Fox News is ridiculous.


I have a good feeling about this!!!


A brilliant representation of the cyber world we live in!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Britney Spears MY BIG SECRET

Allegedly Britney Spears new single is called "My Big Secret" & it is produced by The Neptunes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Pooter In Target


Justin Bieber+Water Bottle=Love

Justin Bieber is probably the most annoying pop star the world has at the moment. So whenever something like this happens to him I get a real kick out of it! Hahahahaha

Whitney Houston's Bikini Bod!!

Somebody needs to hot the spa!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gwen Stefani At Wedding

We need some new music from Gwen ASAP!!!

Lady Gaga Copies Peaches

If you haven't realized that Lady Gaga is a copycat yet, here is another example for you.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Brody Jenner Shaves "A" on to Head?

Brody Jenner is a big deuce bag & decide to shave an "A" on to his head for his poser girlfriend Avril Lavigne. All I have to say is thank God these nasties found each other!


This is an amazing picture of Katy Perry! In fact when I saw it I had no idea it was her. Whoever edited this picture deserves an award, because this girl is a fug!

Dancing Man Hit By Ice Cream Truck

This is why you shouldn't do crack!

Queen Latifah!

Queen Latifah & her lover/fitness trainer!!

Taylor Jacobson Vs Rachel Zoe

If you watched the season three premiere of Bravo’s The Rachel Zoe Project, you would have gotten the impression that Rachel’s styling associate Taylor Jacobson was fired because she stole money or clothes from the company.
Did it or didn’t it happen? Taylor opened up to EW about the mess.
“I did not see the first episode,” Taylor admits. “But I did hear all about it, from multiple people. Honestly, wow. High school, way too high school… From what I understand, it was a whole shit talking campaign. There are always two sides to a story. Whatever happened, happened behind closed doors and definitely not that way, definitely not the way that it was portrayed.”
As for the accusations of theft, Taylor defended herself, saying, “I am friends with PR people. Why would I steal samples?

I love Rachel Zoe, but lets not forget that she is a giant Drama Queen!!

Mormons Continue To Hate Equality

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, seen as a key player in the passage of California's 2008 ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage, says it regrets a federal judge's ruling Wednesday to overturn it.
In a statement, the church says it "regrets" the ruling:
"California voters have twice been given the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage in their state and both times have determined that marriage should be recognized as only between a man and a woman. We agree. Marriage between a man and a woman is the bedrock of society.
“We recognize that this decision represents only the opening of a vigorous debate in the courts over the rights of the people to define and protect this most fundamental institution—marriage.

“There is no doubt that today’s ruling will add to the marriage debate in this country, and we urge people on all sides of this issue to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different opinion.”

The church urged followers to give their time and money to support Proposition 8, which passed with 52 percent of the vote.
Church members were among the campaign's most vigorous contributers and by some estimates contributed tens of millions of dollars to the effort.

ALESHA DIXON "Drummer Boy"

I like Alesha Dixon, but this is a hot mess!

You're so ugly, you make blind kids cry!

I have never been a fan of Robyn do to the fact that her face bothers me! But I am enjoying a few songs from her album "Body Talk". If you want something interesting to listen to, check out "Criminal Intent", "Include Me out" & the Diplo produced "No Hassle".

P.S. it is not her fault Jesus gave her that face!



The Pimp & The Hooker

Just barfed in my mouth!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The Hillbilly'z are going to love this!!! HAHAHAHA

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gaga Pays MTV For Awards

Allegedly Lady Gaga's team is paying MTV to nominate Lady Gaga for Video Music Awards. The pop singer has ironically been nominated for a record breaking 18 awards. Sources say the people behind Gaga are doing this because, it will help increase her albums sales and image. This is a perfect example of how Gaga and the music industry are a bunch of phonies!!   

JES "Closer"

A bit visually similar to Gaga, but this song & video work well together!



Linkin Park Album Cover?!

This is Linkin Park "A Thousand Suns" album cover & all I have to say is I DON'T GET IT.