Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gaga Might Release 2 Albums in 2011

Gaga being the overexposed fame whore she is might release 2 albums next year. 

Gaga Says: “I felt like it was a revolution, like a gunshot went off, like it set us all into rotation,” Gaga said. “It was so exciting when it happened because it, for me, was a moment that indicated that it could happen in every state now…I was so happy and I went into the studio and kept writing [new music].”
She continued on to talk about how the new music would affect her forthcoming third album, that she has said in past interviews was already complete. “I know I told everybody my album was done, which is it kinda is done, but I can’t stop writing music. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might have to put out two records.”

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